Imagine a place where you can read useful articles, well here it is
Technology for good

At Wool, we are huge fans of the idea of doing digital for good, we love are inspired and motivated by creating solutions which truly improve the actions of others along with having a positive impact.…

Wool Weekly - Volume 3

What did we get up to this week?…

Dark Traffic; The Not So Scary Reality

What is 'Dark Traffic' and how can it help your marketing campaign?…

Wool Weekly - Volume 2

The second instalment of the Wool Weekly.…

Women In Tech — Why Are We Still A ‘Thing’?!

Annoying things surrounding 'women in tech'.…

Wool Weekly - Volume 1

The first Wool weekly instalment.…

M14; Going into detail on all the less publicly known near-misses and actual minor disasters.

John Kershaw from M14 Industries: His journey from Bristlr, to M14, to Dragon’s Den and beyond. Going into detail on all the less publicly known near-misses and actual minor disasters…

Tech For Good; Putting People Over Profit.

Jonny Evans and Greg Ashton from Reason Digital putting people over profit in the tech sector and talking socially-minded technology.…

EASLE; How to create a creative brand creatively.

How to create a creative company by two techies and founders of just launched EASLE, the creatives answer to airbnb.…

Enterprise City: Launch

Enterprise City: A new community for Manchester.…

Manchester - A Digital Future

Hints, tips and experience from some of Manchester's leading digital experts over a delicious breakfast.…

Context is Queen

Context is Queen and can be one of your biggest players within your digital marketing strategy!…


An evening of insight into the UX and Design team at the BBC!…

Content is King

Content is KING! How can content help you and your digital marketing strategy?…

The rise of the influencer

If I were to tell you five years ago that some of the most influential voices within digital and tech would be teenagers and twenty somethings who sit in their bedrooms in front of a camera, would you have believed me?…

Navigating your social strategy

What is a ‘Social Media Strategy’? And how can it help you?…

Tech For Good: Digital Inclusion

How to get more people using technology and the pitfalls of an non inclusive digital landscape.…

Blind Spots

An evening of bagels, selfies and business insight.…

Digital North: Disruption

Learning about digital disruption from some of the regions top experts...…

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